Preserving Digital Art, from Photography Blogs to Memes

As I’ve mentioned in class, I work in digitization, which means that much of my context for digital libraries comes from transforming physical objects into digital images. I have thought very little about approaching digital preservation and digital libraries from a born-digital perspective. For some reason the YouTube video we watched in this last portion of … Continue reading Preserving Digital Art, from Photography Blogs to Memes

The Benefits and Disadvantages of Open Access

Open access publishing is an interesting concept. Distributing books, research, and cultural materials for free, to anyone who wants to use them, has a lot of potential to democratize access to information. But open access comes with significant challenges as well. In this post, I’d like to explore the potential benefits and disadvantages of open … Continue reading The Benefits and Disadvantages of Open Access

Transcribing Audiovisual Recordings

Last week, we read an article from the website for the Oral History in the Digital Age project about digitizing analog video (Pennington & Rehberger, 2012). Analog to digital migration is vital to preserving audiovisual records, but it can be complicated and expensive, especially for libraries and archives with limited resources. It got me thinking: … Continue reading Transcribing Audiovisual Recordings